Amazing Race Youth Activity

Amazing Race imagePerfect Youth Activity! After splitting them up into 4 groups they used paint to mark their face with so we knew which team they belonged to.   We had…

Team #1 GREENIMG_0650

Team #2 REDIMG_0647

Team #3 BLUEIMG_0649

and Team #4 RED IMG_0648

(tole paint works great)  We started each group at a different activity. There were a total of 6 different activities  located throughout the church building, place a flag at each activity location. At any given time there were 2 or more locations not in use. On the way to each activity they will be doing different things from skipping to walking backwards. Each card has it listed and an image to help them out. See below to download pdf of images for personal use.

IMG_0645IMG_06511. Balance: While balancing a golfball on a spoon in your mouth each member must complete the relay race to move on. We made a little path with chairs in the primary room, in a few spots they had to step over a chair or something in their way, if they dropped the ball they had to go to the beginning and start again.  We also had them complete it one at a time.

IMG_06412. Detour: Eat a Jalapeño or make butter. Directions to making butter: you will need a total of 4 pint size canning jar and  4 cups of heavy whipping cream, pour jar half full, 1 cup each, then place lid and ring on jar and start shaking! Don’t get discouraged, it may take a little while but you will be surprised when all the sudden you have butter! If you decide to eat it, don’t forget to pour off the butter milk and make sure to add a hint of table salt, it will be quite soft.

          IMG_06403. Road Block: Choose only one player to complete this task.Hint: must like to eat! With out looking on the bottom the player needs to eat the items first and once all the cups with a smiley face on it are found they can proceed to their next activity. We had 4 small round tables one for each group and placed about 15 cups on each table, prior to putting the cups down put e random smiley faces on the bottom of different cups. Fill only the bottom of each cup with different items like apple juice, M&M’s, nuts, gold fish, oreo, etc.

IMG_06464. Memorize: As a group choose one paragraph from “The Proclamation to the Family”, memorize it while in the Young Women’s Room and recite it in the Relief Society Room.

IMG_06445. Match: Correctly match the 12 Apostle’s pictures with their corresponding names. You may want to find a fun app for this and have a few iPad’s or phones in case 2 teams are in there at the same time

NEWEST UPDATE 1/2022: Since the app I originally used is no longer online and doesn’t work I created this page that they have to write in the names of the apostles and then number them in their order of apostleship. There is an “Answer Key” for the leader over this.


Amazing Race First Presidency and Quorum of the 12 Apostles 1:2022

IMG_06426. Pittstop: Congratulations, you have completed all of your challenges, make your way to the overflow area where your host awaits. The first team to check in Wins!

This activity takes about an hour.

Amazing Race Pittstop Mat

Amazing Race Envelope Cover

Amazing Race Flags

Amazing Race Route Information Cards

Amazing Race Route info cards NEW

21 thoughts on “Amazing Race Youth Activity

  1. I love this idea, but I want to make it mission themed, with roadblocks that involve making ramen, ironing a shirt, fixing a bike tire, or sewing on a button…

    • Just sharing an idea for another direction it could go. Of course if you were to do it and post all of the cute stuff for it I would not complain…

  2. Heidi,

    I love this idea! I am planning a sisterhood retreat weekend for my sisters in SAO and am brainstorming how I can do a mini version of the race as part of traveling to our final destination. Would you mind sharing with me how you created all of your clue cards and envelopes to make the game seem so official?

    Thanks so much!

    • Hi Sarah, I create most things I do in pages (mac’s version of word) I am self taught so through many years of trial and error I have learned how to manipulate it for designing. I love it, I also use adobe illustrator when I design some stuff that is more detailed… but mostly pages.

  3. Is there any way to make these printables editable. I want to use them but they say 2014. Thanks so much for this great idea!

  4. Any chance you have blank printable info so we could put our own and instructions challenges in? Either way- thanks for the ideas!

  5. I was wondering if there is any way I could get blank printables for the directions of where the groups should go. My young men/women will need 5 groups so I need to add just a white one that could be blank. Would I be able to get that?

  6. how many envelopes do I need ton print for the game? Can you give me more detailed instructions as how to play, do I cut the “activity” cards and where do I put them?

  7. I love this and I am excited to use this with our youth. What program did you use to create the LDS apostle names? I would like to update the info with the currents ones. Thank you for sharing this!


    • Rachelle, were you able to get this updated? If so, can I very humbly beg it of you?!? Due to rise in Covid cases, we have to change our combined last minute and I’m trying to pull this together.

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