Personal Progress Worksheets

Over the past year I have struggled to get my girls excited to do personal progress. This all started just after the first of this year when I came across a fun idea about watching the movie “Johnny Lingo” and doing worksheets for the value Individual Worth.  The girls loved it and so… here is what I have been working on ever since then. These Personal Progress Worksheets have changed our program incredibly over the past 3 months, the girls are so excited to get the next packet each month, I even had one girl ask me today for another packet because she was finished with the previous 3 I have handed out so far. I thought that after the long hours and hard work I would share this with the world because I truly believe Personal Progress is inspired to help the girls and leaders come unto Christ!

I have broken it up into one value packet a month that we work on which is why I have them separated into each value. The pdf downloads are at the bottom of this post. Please ENJOY! Thank you to all of you who have shared with me how much you enjoy these worksheets!

NEW… I have completed the SPECIAL NEEDS PERSONAL PROGRESS WORKSHEETS too, just click on the name for the link to it!

Printing Note: if you are having trouble this is just a reminder since I have had a few people ask why it won’t print… clicking on the light blue underlined words under each front page image will open up the PDF of that particular value and then you should be able to click file and print.

Personal Progress Value Worksheets

Faith Cover WorksheetFaith
Divine Nature Cover WorksheetDivine Nature
Individual Worth Cover WorksheetIndividual Worth
Knowledge Cover WorksheetKnowledge
Choice & Accountability Cover WorksheetChoice & Accountability
Good Works Cover WorksheetGood Works
Integrity Cover WorksheetIntegrity
Virtue Cover WorksheetVirtue

234 thoughts on “Personal Progress Worksheets

  1. Thank you for sharing!! As the personal progress leader in my ward, I too feel like we are at a standstill. You have made it so easy to grab and go, I hope the girls will get engaged and understand the great program this is.

  2. I found this on Pinterest today. All I can say is WOW! Thank you so much for sharing. I know my beehives will love these.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this!! I’m a new Beehive Advisor and my daughter is in my group. This will be a huge help! 🙂

  4. Thank you so much for creating these and sharing them! These will be great not only for the girls but for the RS (which our ward is encouraging to do it too, to help motivate the girls and to help themselves.)

  5. I just want to say that you are AMAZING!!!! I have been working in young women’s the last 5 years and Personal Progress can be overwhelming, but you have simplified it and made it much easier for the Young Women to understand. I know this will help the young women accomplish more experiences!! Thank you for all your time and especially sharing your talent!!

  6. I noticed that the project ideas page for Good Works, is actually a repeat of Divine Nature, do you have a Good Works page?

  7. This is such an amazing gift you’ve shared! I never comment on posts because I don’t spend the time to do so but i just had to say thank you. You have put so much thought and effort into this and to share with the rest of us is incredible. Thank you.

  8. Thank you so much for this ideas…please help me how can I print this please…thank you in advance…

  9. Wow, thank you for sharing these! I know these took a lot of time and effort on your part. So many others would have put them on Etsy and charged for them! As a personal progress leader in our ward, I’m hoping these will light a fire under our girls! Thanks again!

  10. Thank you for creating these and for being willing to share them! I’ve been looking for ways to help my daughters get excited about Personal Progress and this is it!

  11. I saw a girl working on these at girls camp and I was so excited. We are planning on using them in our ward too. These make it so easy for the girls to see where they left off on a project and pick it right back up. Thank you so much for all your hard work and for sharing it with us.

    • Are you clicking on the light blue words under each front page image? This should open up the PDF of that particular value and then you should be able to click file and print. Let me know if this doesn’t help.

  12. I just was made the Personal Progress leader in my ward…..searched through and found many wonderful things on the web BUT this by far is the MOST INCREDIBLE. Thank you so very much for sharing so freely with all of us…

  13. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! We had a young women come from another ward and she had worksheets to go with personal progress like these. I have searched and searched for something like this to help my girls. I can’t express how thankful I am you are sharing this!!!

  14. Thank you so much for sharing your idea. I am new to the calling in Young Women in my Ward. We need something to get our girls excited and interested in Personal Progress. Again thank you for sharing. I really appreciate this.

  15. Thank you for these! It has made a HUGE difference in my ward with my girls. May I make a small suggestion? Would it be possible to label each work sheet with the value name as well? I have many girls working on different values than each other and when they are bringing worksheets one at a time to be marked complete I have to look up each experience for the value it belongs to. I know it would make a difference – at least to me. Thank you!

  16. I also know how wonderful this program is. You are one great lady. These girls who do it, will thank you profusely one day. Love you, Jenn

  17. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. I have been struggling with this calling and how to help my girls get going and this just sparked a bunch of new ideas and gave me a much needed boost in hope. Thank you so much!

  18. I’ve read all the instructions on printing these and cannot. There is no light blue underlined words showing up! Can you please help me? Theses look amazing!

  19. I truly appreciate the hard work and love you put into creating this master piece. I cannot thank you enough for gem. I am going to print this out for 3 of my brand new Beehives.

  20. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You for all your time and work in creating these Value worksheets. I am So excited to show them to our Young Women presidency!!

  21. Hmmmm. These are great but am unable to print pages 2-11 as they are multiple on a single page and no images come out. I’ve tried every way from Sunday and nothing works. Help, please?

  22. You are absolutely amazing! These worksheets have completely changed the entire personal progress program for our ward and now the Stake is asking me how I did that. I’m planning on sharing your wonderful work with them and telling them how helpful this has been for our girls. I actually printed it all out and bound it in book form and I can’t tell you how helpful it’s been to have everything organized and to keep track of everything for each girl. Thank you so much for putting in so much work and for sharing your talents with others. It has been a blessing to me and my young women and I think there needs to be more people like you in the world!

  23. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your life to make these absolutely amazing sheets. I just got a calling a couple of months ago to be the Young Women’s Personal Progress Advisor and I felt completely helpless and overwhelmed. The girls in our Ward just struggle with Personal Progress and really don’t want a whole lot to do with it. A friend turned me to your website and once I looked at these I knew that this would help my girls. I am so excited to start this program with these fantastic girls and begin this for my own personal use as well. This is truly a blessing for me and I am so great full for people like you who have taken the time to really help our youth and leaders. You are amazing.

  24. I’ve been looking for something to help me encourage my daughter to move forward with her Personal Progress goals, and in my search came across your PP worksheets. Thank you for sharing these! I can only imagine the countless hours you put into creating these amazing pages. You are blessing so many lives with your creativity and generosity. Thanks again!!

  25. Please know that very grateful people continue to find, and be thankful for your hard work. I hope you realize what a gift your hard work is to so many of us!

  26. These are so wonderful! Thank you! I got called to be the Personal Progress advisor a few months ago, and it seems like things are stagnated and I’ve been looking for a way to get the girls motivated. I’m hoping these will do the trick! I’m also planning to do the program with them, and I want to make a binder/scrapbook/smashbook to keep my thoughts and journaling. I know this is cheeky, but would you be willing to email me the word document so that I can add my journaling before I print? And maybe change the fonts to match the other prints I’m planning to do? I totally understand if you prefer not to; you put a lot of work into this! But I just feel like it doesn’t hurt to ask. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing these!!

      • These are amazing and will be so helpful to my girls. I can’t wait to start using them. The special needs ones are a huge help too as I have a special needs Beehive this year! I have Pages; can you possibly send those files to me? There are just a couple things I would need to tweak for our ward’s needs. Thank you so so much for sharing this with the world!

  27. Thank you so much for the time and effort that you put into making these! I’m going to use them for my ward YW and hope they get excited as yours were 🙂

  28. My 16-year old step-daughter is living with us know and these will be perfect as I help her finish up her personal progress. Thanks so much!

  29. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I did not grow up in the church so trying to help the girls, and learn about personal progress myself, is a bit overwhelming. This is EXACTLY what I needed. I am saying a prayer that your generosity, in so freely sharing your talents with all of us, will be richly rewarded. You are amazing!

  30. Thank you so much! As YW President I have struggled to help the girls do personal progress (we are small so there is no dedicated leader). I only have one girl done, but the others will struggle to finish in time. This is such a good plan! We already dedicate one PP mutual every other month so this will be perfect!!

  31. hello I love your ideas, I’m from Guatemala and I would like to share with my girls but in the spanish lenguage.You have a problem with that I can translate it into Spanish?

  32. Thank you so much!
    I feel like this is going to make a difference in my LIFE! It will help me to organize my thoughts and DO the Personal Progress that I so want to do. For myself, and also, so that I am a good example to my daughter, and the Beehives that I teach! 🙂

  33. Wow, just WOW!!! You have incredible talent and the goodness in your heart to share with us. I have been in Young Women’s for quite a while but I was just called to Personal Progress Leader. Thank You for using and sharing your talent. Hugs… Lisa Moore – Bear Creek Ward, Lakewood, CO

  34. thank you for sharing this sister I’m a 1st counselor of our stake young women presidency, and i think this could help us a lot in encouraging the youth pursue their personal progress

  35. Hi Heidi, I am Young Women Leader in my ward in Mongolia. I would like to use your sheets for the PP for my girls. Is it possible if I could get them in Word? I need to translate (if you give ma a permission) them into Mongolian so that I could use it for my girls. Many thanks,
    Doka Wilson

  36. million blessings be upon you and your family! =) This is so helpful for me as a Personal Progress leader, and you made it free! !! Thank you , thank you!

  37. Gosh…i want to cry after seeing your struggling with how to encourage our young women to work on their personal progress, and how can i make it exciting and fun while still having a spiritual experience, and here you are …you’re a blessing! i love you! thanks a lot!

  38. I was recently called as the personal progress leader and it’s been rough going so far. The girls are just not interested. I’m hoping something like this might help. I had a question for you if you have time to answer. So when you handed these out each month, did you check in with the girls each week to see if they had done any work on it? How did you monitor their progress? Also, did they pass of a project every month? That would be impressive if they did! I’d love any suggestions on how to motivate them to do it!

    • Tara, these are all great questions I wish I had the answer to… I only know that every person is different. I have 2 girls of my own that are oh, so different. One has completed personal progress twice and an honor bee and the other struggles to pick it up. As for monitoring I try and encourage the girls to do it online and that helps a ton. Some complete most of it but not many complete the whole thing plus the project. I did have one experience just today that made me smile… during our presidency meeting the leaders were reminiscing about things and one leader just had her daughter come in to beehives and my younger daughter happened to teach the lesson on the plan of salvation. She was worried but excited to teach and I suggested to print a copy of the faith value page about this. What she taught those beehives last Sunday got this new beehives attention and she was so excited she went home Sunday afternoon, read the scriptures and taught FHE last night to her family! I guess I need to give my daughter a little credit… she is inspiring others to do it even if she struggles with it herself. It’s when we teach that we learn the most!

  39. I normally dont comment on things I come across but I HAD to say THANK YOU for all this hard work and sharing it! I’m a the personal progress leader and just felt like we were struggling month to month. I am going to introduce this to my girls tonight and I have NO DOUBT this will help them be excited about personal progress and stay focused. It helps the program feel less overwhelming! Thank you, thank you, thank you….

    • Jess, Thanks for sharing, I appreciate it, there are hundreds of people who visit my site daily and very few comment. It’s so good to know that you are able to use it to help your girls! Thanks again!

  40. These are AMAZING!!!! I love them and just what I need to help organize and simplify the personal progress program for my girls. I think they look at the book sometimes and just feel overwhelmed with it all and then get discouraged and give up. Your sheets break it down and make it all look simple and fun! Thank you Thank you Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

  41. I only have one word for this. AWESOME! This really breaks it down. You must have spent a great deal of time creating all of this. I am YW secretary and I am going to have our president look this over because some of the girls have barely done anything. I think this is a wonderful idea and I am sure the others will think so too. Blessings to you, sister!

  42. Oh my goodness, this is AMAZING!!!!! I want to use this… but I live in France! Do you think you could send me the files in a format I can change to make it in French instead? I can send it to you afterward so you can add it here 🙂

    • Well, I really wish that it was in every language… but, unfortunately the way it is designed does not allow me to send it to you in a format like that. If you have adobe acrobat pro it does allow you to edit text. I’m not sure if that would work for you.

  43. Thank you so much, as a new leader with very few girls I wanted something to motivate the girls and myself. This is wonderful.

  44. I wanted to add my Thanks to the list. I just got called as the Personal Progress Specialist in my ward. I’m sooooo not creative, but I’m great at appreciating others who are. I’m definitely going to be using this for my girls.

  45. Can I also add my deepest gratitude. I read through a few of the comments and have to echo many thoughts that were said. I too have a group of girls with little motivation to work on Personal Progress, these are going to be a game changer. Many thanks to you for sharing this out of the goodness of your heart. I have worked on many a project and know how much time you put into these. Thank you again!

  46. My goodness, what a gift you have. Thank you for being willingness to share this with others. I cannot wait to use these!

  47. Thank you so so so very much!!!!! I was looking for a way to work closer to my girls. I was wondering if I can get editable files since I’ll be translating them into Portuguese. After I finish the translation I’ll send it to you so you can share it. Thanks again for your generosity and inspired hard work!!!

  48. I’m new to the YW Presidency in our ward and have been making similar “challenge cards” for my beehives over the last few months. Thank you so much for sharing these, it will save me SO much TIME in the future!!! These are perfect!!!

  49. Hey there! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but
    after browsing through some oof the post I realized it’s new to me.
    Anyhow, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back frequently!

  50. Thank you for all your hard work on his. You have done a beautiful job! And thank you for sharing this for free. This will be so helpful:)

  51. Thanks so much for this wonderful resourse!! I am new to young womens and it will make a big difference in our Personal Progress journey. 🙂

  52. Hi, these worksheets are amazing. I love how they break everything down. I was wondering if anyone had a problem with printing select pages. I tried to print pg. 1-2 and the letters started merging. If you know how I can fix this problem please help! Thanks!

      • I am having the same problem, the formatting is overlapping the words when I try to print.. Rachel did the emailed copy help? Smileifyourehappy can you email them to me as well?

      • I received the email, thank you – I also did a little googling and figured out the issue so you can let others know. The printing issues stem from the way the browser interprets the PDF. If you pull the PDF up in a different browser it should work! I was trying in Firefox, switched to Chrome and it’s perfect 🙂

  53. These are brilliant and have come in super handy for this new Personal Progress leader. I’ve been printing them off one Value Experience at a time for the individual girls in our ward, based on their needs. The YW President got a chance to look at a few of them and has asked that we print all of them and make a spiral bound book to give to the new Beehives. I’m wondering if you’ve considered making a cover page so that the girls you hand them out to can store them in a binder and have a complete set when they are done. If so, I’d love to have a digital copy of it so that I can use it for my bound copies.
    Thanks so much for all you’ve done. In reading through the comments, it looks like there are a lot of young women out there who have benefitted from your efforts. What a great use of your talents.

  54. Thank you so much for posting these! You have surely blessed many lives by creating and sharing these worksheets, and many more lives WILL be blessed in the future! I’m excited to try these with our Young Women.

  55. Thank You! Thank You! I am obsessed with these and they have just made my life easier and my beehives lives easier! I really appreciate all of your hard work!

  56. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your willingness to share! You are an example of a true disciple of Christ. Through your hard work, you will be helping hundreds if not, thousands of girls complete their Personal Progress!

  57. Thank you for releasing this work for all of us to use. Your efforts in creating this and making it available have done more than you can imagine. Thank you!

  58. I just found these on pinterest. I was just telling my husband how disappointing it was to me that so many of the things people have created for visiting teaching and yw are only available if you pay for them. We are in a small branch with an even smaller budget, my counselor and I pay for everything in our yw program. I was so happy to see someone willing to share Thank you so much!

    • Sherri,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to write a thank you message, I have had this very feeling when I find things and then realize that they cost money. I realize that time is money but this work is important to me and I want each girl to have every opportunity to get their young womanhood medallion. Thanks again!

  59. I just got called to be the personal progress leader and I am so grateful to you for making these treasures! Thank you for all of your hard work 🙂

  60. I love this but also cannot get them to print. Could you please help me! I really want to start the new year with this, I think it will really help the girls! Thanks!

  61. Awesome!!! I’ve been so stumped and scared of what to do with my new Personal Progress calling. I’ve seen a lot on Pinterest and just feel overwhelmed. These are amazing!! Question- since I’m new I’m not familiar with the journaling… so the girls have a personal progress journal made by the church that’s given to them, right? It looks just like the Personal Progress book. Is it super important to have them write all of the worksheets’ “journaling” in their actual journal, or do you just have them use these worksheets to count as their journal? Does that make sense?

    • Natalie that is a great question and I would only have them do it on the worksheets or their journal but the worksheets just make it easier to keep everything in one place. We just got the girls a folder that they would have all the worksheets in. This makes it seem less overwhelming to do a worksheet and be done… kinda like school work only it’s SUNDAY school work ;).

  62. I had just started creating these for myself when I stumbled onto your creations! Just doing the Faith experiences took me several hours, so you have saved me SOOOO much time! Thank you so much for your hours of service and generosity in sharing them with all of us!

  63. This is a sweet answer to a fervent prayer. Thank you so much! Our YW are pulling together to help complete the personal progress experiences of a young woman in our ward who is autistic, and I was getting so overwhelmed trying to put together worksheets to pass out to the girls to help keep the project organized.
    Thank you thank you thank you!

  64. Thank you! My 11 yo will move into YE in just 3 months – which is hard to believe. The little booklets are okay but for a girl who needs a bit more organization this is a better choice. So I will put this together in a binder just for her! An answer to my prayer.

  65. This is an absolutely wonderful idea, I wish I had these when I was in young women’s. I cant wait to see the girls start! Thanks for sharing this with everyone 😊

  66. Happy new year and thank you so much for sharing these freely. I can only imagine how much time and effort you have put into making these. I am a convert to the church and never grew up in the youth program. I was called to serve in young women’s last year and honestly struggled to finish one, although i started with others. I know i should already just get on with it and not feel like it’s overwhelming but This is structured and designed in a way that makes me have that desire to want to complete it. Thank you truly!

  67. Hello! These pages are so awesome! Thank you for doing them!
    I just was wondering if you happened to have this to fit like the daily planner size binders?? My girls asked if they could have a condensed binder so it was easier to carry around with them?

  68. This is fabulous! I can’t thank you enough This is exactly what I’ve needed to get our program organized. Thank you for saving me hours and hours of time! Bless you!

  69. I think I cried when I saw this. Thank you so much for your hard work and saving hundreds of others as well! You are amazing. I cannot thank you enough!

  70. Thank you so very much for sharing these pages with us!!! I’m so grateful that you did.
    Making PP in this type of format is simply wonderful!! Many thanks!

  71. Thank you so much for sharing all your hard work, you are AMAZING!!! I was just called to be the Personal Progress Specialist of our ward and was feeling very overwhelmed. I haven’t served in Young Women’s for over 20 years. When I found these worksheets I felt like they were an answer to my prayers. In reading all your comments, on August 13, 2016 Brandie asked if you had made a cover page that would go along with the worksheets? If you did I would love for you to email me a copy of it so that I could make a nice binder for the young women when they have completed their worksheets. Once again thank you for sharing your wonderful talent and your generosity of not charging for them.

  72. THank you! Thank you!
    Our YW and leaders are eating this up.
    What a great way to bring to life PP for all!
    However our YM are don’t have anything like this to help them through their program,
    Have you created anything similar for the YM Duty to God???

  73. merci d’avoir partager tes fiches cela nous aide beaucoup!!!! translated…Thank you for sharing your cards this helps us a lot !!!!

  74. This is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing!! I was just called as the Personal Progress leader and was overwhelmed. I shared this with my ward’s Young Women’s presidency and they are excited about this as well.

  75. Wow!!!! This is so Awesome!!! I’m the Second Councilor in YW and this will help my Beehives so much. Thank you for all your hard work on these. You are amazing. thank you for the help.

  76. Thank you so much for posting these, I am so appreciative. They are amazing and they will help my young women to not feel overwhelmed by personal progress.

  77. Printing now for my daughter to use! She just turned 12 and is totally overwhelmed by PP, but I think this makes it seems so do-able. Thank you for sharing your talent!

  78. YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I found your website and it was truly an answer to prayers. I have been looking for a way to motivate and keep our young women engaged on a more continual basis. I’m so excited to introduce these to our young women. I know it will help them to progress in their journey and will bring them closer to our Heavenly Father. Thank you so much for your time in creating these and sharing them so generously!!

  79. I never leave comments or review products… but I just have to say THANK YOU!! My daughter just turned 12 and started personal progress! These worksheets are amazing!

  80. So excited to use these worksheets with the Young Women in our ward! These are awesome!, thanks for creating and sharing them. I unfortunately cannot get them to print. Could you e-mail them to me? Thanks so much!

  81. Thank you so much for these BEAUTIFUL worksheets! They are simply wonderful. Is there a way to print only select value experiences?

  82. hi, for some reason i can’t print these out. are you able to send it to me please? You have no idea how the work you have put into this has helped me. I am very thankful! THANK YOU 🙂

  83. Hey, it’s nice to know someone out there is making an effort to share their ideas. I know some people wouldn’t. Can you email me this please. I know my leaders would love to have it.

  84. Thank you so much for sharing your hard work!!! My older daughters got pages in a binder similar to this when they turned 12. My 3rd daughter just turned 12 and they gave her an empty binder. 😦 I was about to start making my own pages when I found yours and I’m so happy. The pages are wonderful (much better then what I would have come up with)! Thank you for your service and for sharing so freely! Much love!!

  85. These are great but i wish they were clearer, because when i tried to zoom in i couldnt really see it clearly… but what i could see was good… 🙂

  86. I would love to use this for our personal Progress Program, but I can not get it to download. Can you email it to me? I am so excited about this!!

  87. I downloaded the ones that were available, but I couldn’t find the colored images to download. I really appreciate you putting this together. I am the personal progress leader in my ward and I would love to use your creative idea. Thanks so much. I would also like the special needs download thanks.

  88. Hi Heidi:

    These look great for my beehive, but, like others, I seem to be unable to download them. Would you email them to me? Many thanks!

  89. I love these! I have made a binder for each one of our girls in our ward. Do you have them in Spanish? I was just wondering if I missed it?

  90. I’m blown away!!! These are absolutely priceless. Thank you for creating them and thank you SO much for sharing. Personal Progress can be overwhelming and I KNOW these are going to make it so much easier for my girls to break these experiences down and see that they can really love personal progress.

  91. Hi!

    I love the way you have organized the PP program into easy to navigate packets! Can you share your thoughts behind the words that that you used with each value? I would like to pass that info on to my YW as I give them these packets. (Faith/Hope, Divine Nature/Charity, Individual Worth/Remember etc.)

    I love what you have done!
    Thanks for your thoughts!


  92. This is SO awesome! I just got called to be the PP Coordinator in our ward – this is incredibly helpful! Thank you a million times over!

  93. These are so great. My daughter just turned 12 and really wants to get her medallion before the church starts the new program in Dec. 2019. These will make it so much more doable. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  94. I really love your journal worksheet really help my young women progress in their values and also the visual or clip art are just so beautiful that gets their attention to engage with their personal progress. I wish later you can do one for Duty to God. May God bless you with your beautiful talents

  95. This is really awesome. My daughter really enjoys using your template. its keeping her organized and its clear as to what to do. Its a very pretty and fun booklet. we love it

  96. Hi, I would love a copies of these but can’t seem to download them… its not opening pdfs… is there any way you could email them to me. I want to start working on PP with my daughter who has just become a beehive x

  97. These are amazing!! Thank you so much. The girls will love it especially being the last year of personal progress before something new rolls in! :))))

  98. Hello! These are so amazing! Can I get the pdf’s emailed to me so I can print them off. I am so excited that you made these. Seriously can’t thank you enough. The girls are going to love these packets and it simplifies the whole process. You’re amazing!!! Seriously thank you!

  99. These are AMAZING!! Using them for our little Beehives to try and get their’s finished before the program ends. Thank you so so much for all your hard work. Your Wonderful to share!!


  101. thankyou for your papers. my daughter has a processing disorder and we where having a difficult time understanding the program. I wanted her to complete the program but it was so different from when I was in YW that I could not make heads or tales of it. my daughters friend introduced her to your website and she has taken the info and ran!!!!! Thankyou Having boxes she can check off makes her very happy. She has a slight obsession with checklists 🙂 no idea why 🙂

  102. Thank you so much for this free Personal Progress packet. Because of my two years of using this packet, I was able to complete Personal Progress and my honor bee. It got me focused on a way the basic handbook never did. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so very much for making this available to us girls.

  103. These are so amazing! I want to help my daughter love studying the scriptures. I feel like Personal Progress is a great place to start. Even though the PP books aren’t printed any more, your printables are helping my daughter work through this program in a clear and simple way. Thank you SOOOO much for all the hours you spent putting these together. I am very grateful. You did a fantastic job with these.

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